Foreigner Jobs

Latest Italy Work Visa Process 2025 – Apply Now

The National D Visa, which is also referred to as the Italy work visa, may be a long-term visa. In comparison to other countries, the process of obtaining a work visa for Italy is generally straightforward. In my opinion, it is the least taxing work visa to obtain. Please submit an application for the permesso di soggiorno (Home permit) within eight days of receiving your work visa, which authorizes your travel to Italy. The total application handle for the Italy Work Visa will be disclosed in this post.

Applications for work permits were acknowledged by the Italian government during the designated period. Additionally, the Italian government has established a standard that includes a work allowance for remote laborers. This is frequently referred to as Decreto Flussi, which translates to “flow decree.” The most recent direct from Decreto Flussi was disseminated on October 6th and establishes the standards for 2025. Additional subtleties are detailed below.

About Italy Work Visa – How Decreto Flussi Works?

The Decreto Flussi is a proclamation issued by the Italian government that establishes the percentages for the entry of non-EU citizens into Italy. The declaration was published in the Italian Official Newspaper.

The Quota for Section of Non-EU

The declaration establishes a total of 151,000 non-EU citizens who will be permitted to enter Italy.

  • 57,770 for employment in a non-seasonal subordinate relationship
  • 780 for self-employment
  • 85,450 for regular employment

Key Dates:

  • Italian managers may submit applications for the Decreto Flussi to WalK.
  • Non-EU citizens are eligible to submit applications.


  • Acquire a job offer from Italy
  • Submit an application for a work permit.
  • Apply for a work visa at the Italian embassy.

Check Also: Visa Sponsorship Caregiver Jobs in Italy – Apply Now

Benefits for Latest Italy Work Visa Process

  • A Wide Array of Employment Opportunities: The Italian economy provides employment opportunities in a variety of sectors, such as finance, technology, engineering, healthcare, hospitality, and fashion. Foreign talent is increasingly being drawn to Italy’s expanding industries, including renewable energy and technology.
  • Strong Job Market for Skilled Workers: Italy is an appealing destination for skilled workers due to the high demand for highly skilled professionals, particularly in specialized disciplines such as IT, engineering, healthcare, and scientific research.
  • Dynamic lifestyle: Italy is a highly sought-after destination for individuals seeking a dynamic lifestyle, as it is renowned for its rich cultural and historical heritage. From picturesque towns and countryside to world-class museums and historic monuments, life in Italy provides an enriching experience.
  • Safety and Healthcare: Italy is regarded as one of the most secure countries in Europe. The National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, SSN) of the country provides a high-quality healthcare system that is accessible to all residents, including foreign laborers.
  • Work Hours and Leave: Italy places a significant emphasis on the preservation of work-life balance. The average workweek is approximately 40 hours, and employees are entitled to paid annual leave, which typically lasts for approximately four weeks. Italy also provides family-oriented policies and public holidays that promote a well-rounded lifestyle.
  • Sick Leave and Benefits: Italy guarantees its employees with paid sick leave, social security, and other employment benefits to ensure that they are adequately supported in the event of illness or injury.
  • Long-Term Residency: Foreign workers are eligible to petition for Permanent Residency (Permesso di Soggiorno per Soggiornanti di Lungo Periodo) after living and working in Italy for a specified number of years (typically five years on a work visa). Permanent inhabitants are entitled to the same privileges as Italian citizens, such as healthcare, education, and social benefits.
  • Citizenship Opportunities: A foreign laborer may be eligible for Italian citizenship after ten years of continuous residence in Italy. This presents the opportunity to become a citizen of a European Union (EU) country, which will grant you the ability to reside and operate in any EU country.

Get a Work offer from the Italian Employer:

  • The most critical aspect is to secure employment in Italy. A work offer from the Italian manager is required in order to file for the Italian work visa and work permit.

Get a Nulla Osta al lavoro (Work Permit):

  • The work permit in Italy is referred to as Nulla Osta al lavoro. Your supervisor will submit an application for your work permit on your behalf.

Apply for the Italy Work Visa:

  • Your work allowance has been authorized, and you have received a job offer from Italy.
  • Your domestic country’s Italian representation is the location where you can submit an application for a work visa to Italy.
  • Upon arrival in Italy, utilize the Home application process. Permit the individual to legally remain and labor within the country.


  • A copy of the work contract that you have annotated.
  • The Nulla Osta (work permit) is both unique and a duplicate.
  • Completed the application for a long-term visa to Italy.
  • Passport
  • Evidence of Italian settlement.
  • Evidence of sufficient financial resources.
  • Evidence of visa fee payment.
  • Certificates and diplomas.
  • Italy Work Visa Duration
  • The Long-term National Visa application will be issued for a period of two years at the outset. It is capable of being recharged for a maximum of five years.

Note: Please inquire about the international haven of Italy in your country, including the visa obtaining process, the necessary documents, and the preparation time.

Helpful Links:

The Service of Outside Undertakings and Worldwide Cooperation manages the official website “Visa for Italy,” which is the site for obtaining information and applying for work visas in Italy.

This is the official visa application center for Italy in a number of countries. You will find information regarding visa costs, archive accommodation methods, and arrangement planning.

  1. Is Italy issuing workvisas now?

    Highly skilled employees may be exempt from the quota, but they will still need to go through the appropriate procedure of applying for a work permit and visa. As of Jan. 30, 2023, Italy increased the work permit quota from 69,700 to 82,705 for non-EU and non-EEA nationals.

  2. How to get a working visa for Italy?

    Find an Italian employer who will hire you and apply for your work permit (they have to apply for your work authorization in Italy). Only after your employer receives your work permit and sends it to you, you can: Apply for an Italy Work Visa at the Italian Representation in your home country.

  3. Is Italy work permit open?

    Decreto Flussi: The Italian government has a set limit of work permits they can issue to non-EU citizens/candidates. Applications will be accepted for only a few months every 1 – 2 years. The window and quota will depend on the state of immigration and the job market. The quota for 2023 – 2025 is 452,000 permits.

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